... La imagen y el color - EGM



Keep and protect your originals


The fidelity in the reproduction of the color.


Digital post-production of images

The perfection of the capture, the definition of the textures and the fidelity in the reproduction of the color.


The latest generation large format scanning systems allow us to reproduce a wide range of objects and textures (wood, earthenware, watercolor, oils, paper, tapestries, etc.) thus covering all the needs of different sectors: decoration, wallpaper art, archives, libraries, museums, universities, etc.

Our originals scanning service allows the scanning of any image on paper, glass plates, negatives, slides, reels and rolls of film to ensure its preservation.

Color Management

Our requirement with color treatment leads us to create our own profiles for each printing material and equipment. All our systems are calibrated and checked periodically to ensure the color fidelity of each print.

Our IT8 Color Chart is designed to calibrate digital cameras in different formats such as JPEG, TIFF or RAW. Given its fidelity in the processes of capturing light and color, it is used as a reference by various institutions and photography professionals.

Image Retouching

Using photographic post-production techniques, we give the images a final finish that makes them unique and striking.

We have specialists in every area of retouching, from traditional photomontage to fashion or cosmetic retouching, automotive, architecture, mass consumption products, etc.
